A purpose that gives direction and strength.

First act: The start

As we grappled deeply with the issue of sustainability, with what it means to us in terms of directions for business development, it became apparent to us that we needed to refine our basic strategic principle. So we looked explicitly at our purpose and redefined it in a way that really captured our ambition, our greater purpose.

The aim was to develop a clear basis that would be the source for all subsequent thinking. It was clear to us from the beginning that sustainability played an essential role in this process. 

Act Two: The Adventure
We developed the purpose together, as a team. The process itself was as important as the end result. We then clarified what each word in the final formulation of the puropse meant to us, where it came from and why that word was able to describe what drives us. This phase was fundamental

Act III: The ‘return’, but to the new 
We are now in the process of shaping its translation into everyday business life and aligning the entire organisation accordingly. To this end, we are organising various events and workshops, so that on the one hand everyone knows what we are really about and on the other hand everyone has the opportunity to contribute concretely and constructively.

We are already excited and curious about what will emerge.

Schur Flexibles

Reporting to get to know each other and develop together.

Unione Albergatori

The need for sustainable tourism and the opportunities we have.

Comprensorio di Carezza

Together for the climate.

Terra Institute

Our journey with banks and ESG profiling.

Nuova Saimpa

A vision that guides and empowers.


Terra Institute Srl
Via Sant'Albuino 2
39042 Bressanone (BZ)


Terra Institute Austria FlexCo
Karl Kapferer Straße 5
6020 Innsbruck

Tel. +39 0472 970 484



© TERRA Institute

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