Coaching – the most important support measure for managers and teams in companies undergoing transformational change

A person becomes an ego through you.” Martin Buber


The speed of transformation for companies increases dramatically when managers are coached individually. Since it was founded in 2010, Terra Institute has pursued the approach that sustainable change on the outside, in business models and sustainability strategies, requires change on the inside and vice versa. For this reason, individual and team coaching are key training and development measures that we recommend to companies.

Over the years, we have repeatedly proven that the development and maturation of people’s inner selves that we achieve through coaching becomes a booster and guarantor for a motivated, reliable, energised and honestly authentic corporate culture.

How does a manager benefit from the Terra Institute’s expertise in individual or team coaching?

Our coaches are experts in applying sustainable principles to specific situations in managers’ working and private lives. We value 1:1 coaching so much that we usually only work with a team once we have coached the management level and have been able to convince ourselves that they are credibly committed to creating a positive and sustainable corporate culture.
Zwei Kajak-Boote fahren auf einem See.

Terra Institute’s mission is to accompany companies on their journey from a “traditional” to a “sustainable” economy. This can only happen if the individual managers and teams make their contribution to the development of the organisation in a friendly, energetic, confident and courageous manner. No method, no instrument or no project can exceed the creative power of individual people and teams: putting people at the centre is therefore the basic conviction according to which we advise, support and coach.

Over the years, we have developed a methodical coaching approach in our “Culture & Leadership” competence team that is as systemic as it is integral, resource-orientated and pragmatic in its approach to individuals and their teams. The only prerequisite that our highly qualified coaches need is the willingness to say “no” to drama, hopelessness and problem-orientation and to actively focus on solutions.


We guarantee our coachees double confidentiality – this is central to highly effective potential development.

The highly effective individual work between an experienced coach and manager always takes place – whether online or in person – within a framework of double confidentiality: On the one hand, this means that everything that is said and everything that happens remains in the room as a matter of course; on the other hand, it also means that our coaches do not pin you down to what you have said or done at some point, but that everything that happens is present. These coaching principles are fundamental for development to happen.

The relationship is crucial

For coaching to be successful, trust, appreciation and openness in the relationship between coach and coachee are a prerequisite. We describe a “good” relationship as “interpsychic” (between several people) as well as “intrapsychic” (one person, in relation to their own thoughts and feelings), characterised by the fact that everything is allowed to be what it is, that nothing has to be excluded as “bad and wrong”. This makes problems, shadows, judgements etc. visible, discussable and ultimately solvable, as nobody has to be afraid of a painful judgement.

Wald aus der Vogelperspektive.

What is Terra’s approach to coaching?

If you are interested in having us coach you, managers or teams in your organisation 1:1 or in a group, the first step is to let us know!

Simply contact Renata Rizzo or Evelyn Oberleiter, who are responsible for our “Leadership & Culture” area of expertise, by email and arrange a free initial consultation. During this meeting, your needs will be assessed, the challenge clarified and initial goals defined.
You will then receive an individualised quote from us, in which we estimate the scope (duration and frequency of the sessions) and content of the coaching and suggest highly qualified coaches who are suitable for your situation. You will then have the opportunity to have a free introductory meeting with these coaches before the coaching begins in order to find out with whom you feel your issue is in the best hands.
After signing the coaching agreement, we get started – and arrange the coaching sessions online or in person.

Contents and possible objectives of a 1:1 coaching session

  • Purpose, meaning and ethics
  • Leadership in the transformation
  • Personal development along the Inner Development Goals (IDGs)
  • Dealing constructively with your own feelings or those of others
  • Effectiveness in a complex & dynamic business world
  • Sustainable, open and authentic corporate culture
  • Expressing your own values in a professional environment
  • Preparation for a new position
  • Finding solutions to conflicts
  • Empowering collaboration, establishing good relationships
  • Overcoming personal and professional crises
  • Stress management and resilience
Zwei Kajak-Boote fahren auf einem See.

Contents and possible objectives of team coaching

  • Team profiling
  • Working atmosphere and good relationships
  • Improving performance
  • Clarification of governance and processes in the team
  • Sustainable leadership & cultural development
  • Mastering change
  • Conflict management
  • Design thinking & innovation

At a glance: Coaching summary

1. What does the term "coaching" stand for?

“Coaching” is a term that has its origins in the world of sport. The coach not only supports his coachee in improving his sporting performance, but also helps him emotionally and mentally to master his challenges in a positive way.

2. What goals can you achieve in coaching?

A smart formulation of goals is the ideal starting point for a successful coaching process and is often itself part of the coaching process. This is because sometimes the coachee’s concerns are still vague at the beginning (discomfort, relationship problems, fears, declining motivation, signs of overwork or overload, lack of overview, strategic ambiguity, etc.) and are only clarified and thus formulated in dialogue with the attentive coach. Once the goals have been identified, possible solution steps are developed, operationalised and supervised, reviewed and, if necessary, integrated in the next sessions.

3. When do the first visible or noticeable improvements occur?

Clients often come to coaching with the expectation that they will be able to solve complex problems that have developed over years quickly and spontaneously within just a few coaching sessions. This can of course be the case, but it is not always the rule. With some deep-seated or particularly complex change issues, it can sometimes take a few months before significant improvements become apparent.

Experience has shown that coachees start off with great enthusiasm and after a few sessions, when the causes and extent of the problems have been recognised more and more clearly, motivation levels off. It is then up to the coach to ensure that the enthusiasm, confidence or courage is rekindled, breakthroughs occur and the change takes a sustainable path.

4. How does a coaching process work?

The individual coaching sessions usually last between 60 and 90 minutes and take place online via Zoom or in person on request. The individual dates for the sessions are set in consultation with the client depending on the development and urgency. The “direction” is always in the hands of the coachee.

5. Who is coaching suitable for and who is it not suitable for?

Coaching is generally suitable for all those who find themselves in challenging situations and want a future and solution-orientated approach. A coach helps you to plan for the future, address personally unpleasant situations and define and achieve desirable goals. Coaching is not suitable for curing psychological or physical ailments.

6. What distinguishes the Terra Institute's coaching approach from other approaches?

As experts in sustainability, our coaches are also particularly specialised in supporting managers in issues relating to their professional and personal sustainability and strengthening them through the highs and lows of change towards more corporate sustainability, motivating them to achieve more personal authenticity in the topic and supporting them in handling the complexity of a change process.

Furthermore, all our coaches have a systemic-integral as well as pragmatic-positive approach that invites you to try out new things.

The model of personal development that we base all our coaching on is the international framework of the Inner Development Goals (IDGs).

Coaching / Unser Team

Anne Hausmann

Anne Hausmann

Anne Hausmann is a certified systemic coach, process consultant (DBVC), certified organisational developer (Trigon) and certified organisational constellator.

At the Terra Institute, her consulting focus is on team development, organisational learning, the implementation of efficient and structured learning and communication spaces as well as leadership development.

Anne has a high level of process competence and results-orientation, an extensive ability to analyse and reflect, strong communication skills and a pronounced systems thinking approach.

Evelyn Oberleiter

Evelyn Oberleiter

Co-founder and CEO of Terra Institute. She has been supporting companies in far-reaching change processes for 20 years and focuses on organisational development, corporate culture processes and sustainable leadership approaches.

Evelyn has a high level of process competence and results-orientation, an extensive ability to analyse and reflect, a high level of communication competence and a pronounced systems thinking.

As a personal coach, she primarily supports people in top management.

Jörn Wiedemann

Jörn Wiedemann

Jörn Wiedemann specialises in organisational development, the implementation of efficient and structured communication spaces and processes, large group facilitation, training and coaching for communication (in groups) and the creation of public value balance sheets.

In his work, Jörn is regarded as a creative and humorous networker – eloquent, reliable, discreet, strong in implementation, structured, concrete and direct, with good analytical skills, quick comprehension and broad knowledge, highly results-orientated and a 100% focus on sustainability aspects.

Markus Kristen

Markus Kristen

Markus Kristen is a qualified educationalist. He has worked in leadership positions, built two strong businesses and has been advising organisations of various sizes and industries since 2004, including multinationals, SMEs and dynamic start-ups.

Markus is a senior consultant with extensive experience in business transformation for sustainability, stakeholder engagement and leadership training.

Renata Rizzo

Renata Rizzo

After a long career in multinational companies in various sectors, from tourism to the food and beverage industry, as Senior Director of Marketing and Product Innovation, Renata is now fully dedicated to helping companies and local communities define the most suitable path to sustainability for their needs.

She also brings her diverse experience to hospitality territories and businesses to develop strategies, policies and communications to support carbon footprint measurement and Earthcheck certification processes.

In the United States, Renata has earned the Success Coach Certification and accompanies groups and leaders on their awareness and development journey.

Simone Tarneller

Simone Tarneller

Simone Tarneller supports companies as a process facilitator in the areas of strategy, organisation and leadership.

As a trainer and coach, she stands for mindful support of people and groups, creating access to the inner space of experience and touching and inspiring people for sustainable topics.


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Via Sant'Albuino 2
39042 Bressanone (BZ)


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6020 Innsbruck

Tel. +39 0472 970 484



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