There is no strategic development without cultural growth,
and there is no cultural growth without strategic development.
Purpose and meaning can reorientate strategy and support growth.
It creates motivation and inclusion.
It gives companies strength and energy.

/ Our themes

Corporate purpose & empowerment

Purpose - Mission and Systemic Vision
We are living in an era of uncertainty and discontinuity as never seen before. The rules of the game have been turned upside down and businesses are having to redefine their identity on the market. Rediscovering one’s own, true sense of doing business is an engine that can give strength to the work of all those who live in the company ecosystem. Our commitment is to accompany companies in discovering and rediscovering the motivation and drive to do business with an eye towards a fair, sustainable future that respects the rights of future generations.
Code of Ethics
The code of ethics is an instrument linked to the concept of compliance. Although these are the minimum requirements, the code of ethics can fulfil a broader function as a tool for organisational development and the active promotion of self-responsibility and conscious coexistence. In order to achieve these benefits, we are committed to an integrated accompanying process for the promotion of a new internal company culture.
Sustainability management system
The management system is the operational heart of sustainability and allows to organise, in a coherent way and within a single operational framework, the projects directed towards the outside world, the actions directed towards internal development, the involvement of the most important stakeholders, the themes and the corporate vision. It makes it possible to effectively manage the objectives set, to monitor them, to clearly assign responsibilities and roles. In short, it makes sustainability a tangible reality in the company.
Sustainability strategy
The sustainability strategy is not just a set of sustainable projects and initiatives; it is first and foremost a vision based on precise principles and thus becomes a powerful organiser of every single action and a reference point for the behaviour and expectations of the company’s internal and external stakeholders. When a company chooses to identify itself and present itself as sustainable, the strength of this vision must be integrated with the company’s strategy in order to give strength and coherence to the work of all the players involved and make it possible to achieve the planned objectives more effectively.

/ Success stories


A purpose that gives direction and strength.


Terra Institute Srl
Via Sant'Albuino 2
39042 Bressanone (BZ)


Terra Institute Austria FlexCo
Karl Kapferer Straße 5
6020 Innsbruck

Tel. +39 0472 970 484



© TERRA Institute

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